Dr. Pass completed fifteen years as a general practitioner in Nova Scotia, while an adjunct member of the Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry and Department of Physics. He then became Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at Dalhousie University for ten years. Following his first retirement, he served two years as a Patent Examiner in medical imaging for the U.S. Patent Office in Arlington, Virginia. He then joined the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology at the Howard University School of Dentistry, in Washington, DC, and retired for the second time after 18 years. He has been Professor Emeritus for the past two years.
Dr. Pass is a recognized expert in radiation physics and has written numerous peer reviewed research articles. He also served as a Graduate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, at Howard University. He continues forty years of research in radiation physics that began with pioneering collaborative work on the use of dental enamel and other calcified biological tissues for radiation accident dosimetry. Presently he is collaborating on studies in forensic archaeology.
Dr. Pass is a member of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, a member of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, an Honorary Member of the Canadian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, and a member of the International Association of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology.
Selection of Papers Published in Refereed Journals
Pass, B., Mercer, J., Majd, N.M., Glascoe, A. and Brown, R.S. Oral Radiographic Evidence of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in an End-Stage Renal Failure Patient: A Case Report. Northwestern Dentistry Journal, March-April (2017).
De, T., Pass, B., Romanyukha, A., and Misra, M. Q-Band EPR Dosimetry for Tooth Enamel Biopsy Samples, Proceedings 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Phoenix, AZ.April 4-6 (2014).
Brown, R.S. Pass, B. Orofacial pain due to trigeminal autonomic cephalgia with features of short-lasting neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing: A case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. Jul 5 (2012).
De, T., Romanyukha, A., Trompier,, F., Pass, B., and Misra, P. Feasibility of Q-Band EPR Dosimetry in Biopsy Samples of Dental Enamel, Dentine and Bone, Appl. Magn. Reson. DOI 10.1007/s00723-012-0379-9 (2012).
Pass, B., De, T., Romanyukha, A., and Misra, P. Radiation incident triage using Qband EPR of dental enamel biopsy samples. Proceedings 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, San Diego,CA, Nov. 17-20 (2010).
Sheikh, A., Lai, R., Pass, B., Obayomi, T.A., and Longwe, E. Diagnosis and management challenges of sialolithiasis: case report. Dent Today. Jul;27(7):92, 94-6; quiz 97 (2008).
Kumar, K., Pass, B. (corresponding author), Guttenberg, S., Ludlow, J.B., Emery, R.W., Tyndall, D.A., and Padilla, R.J. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: A report of three cases demonstrating striking variability in outcomes and morbidity. JADA 138:602-609 (2007).
Pass, B., Guttenberg, S., and Chiders, E.L.B., Soft tissue lipoma with the radiographic appearance of a neoplasm within the mandibular canal, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 35: 299–302 (2006)
Pass, B., Brown, R.S., and Childers, E.L.B., Geographic Tongue: Literature Review and Case Report, Dentistry Today, 24 (8): 54-57 (2005).
Wieser, A., R. Debuyst, P. Fattibene, A. Meghzifene, S. Onori, S.N. Bayankin, B. Blackwell, A. Brik, A. Bugay, V. Chumak, B. Ciesielski, M. Hoshi, H. Imata, A. Ivannikov, D. Ivanov8, M. Junczewska, C. Miyazawa, B. Pass, M. Penkowski, S. Pivovarov, A. Romanyukha, L. Romanyukha, D. Schauer, O. Scherbina, K. Schultka, A. Shames, S. Sholom, A. Skinner20, V. Skvortsov, V. Stepanenko, E. Tielewuhan, S.Toyoda, F.Trompier, The 3rd international intercomparison on EPR tooth dosimetry. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 62:163-171 (2005).
Pass, B., Shames, A. I. International intercomparison on epr tooth dosimetry to assess accuracy and consistency among laboratories. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path Oral Radiol, 97 (2): 263 (2004).
Pass, B. Godfrey-Smith, D. I., Scallion, P. Retrospective Radiation Dosimetry Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence in Dental Enamel: Possibilities for Invivo Dosimetry. Proceedings of the 36th Midyear Topical Meeting “Radiation Safety Aspects of Homeland Security and Emergency Response” Health Physics Society, San Antonio, Texas, 210-217, (January 27-29, 2003).
Pass, B. and Shames, A.I. Signal processing for radiation dosimetry using EPR in dental enamel: comparison of three methods. Radiat. Meas. 32:163-167, (2000).
Wieser, A., Mehta, K., Amira, S., Aragno, D., Bercea, S., Brik, A., Bugai, A., Callens, F., Chumak, V., Ciesielski, B., Debuyst, R., Duliu, O.G., Fattibene, P., Haskell, E.H., Hayes, R.B., Ignatiev, E.A., Ivannikov, A., Kirillov, V., Kleschenko, E., Nakamura, N., Nowak, J., Onori, S., Pass, B., Pivovarov, S., Romanyukha, A., Shames, A.I., Scherbina, O., Sholom, S., Tikounov, D.D., Toyoda, S. The 2nd international intercomparison on EPR tooth dosimetry. Radiat. Meas. 32:549-557, (2000).
Pass, B., Wood, R., McLean, M., Liu, F. and Aldrich, J. E. Retrospective dosimetry by electron spin resonance measurements in dental enamel at high radiation doses from radiotherapy. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 76(4):239-247 (1998).
Pass, B., Baranov, A. E., Klestchenko, E. D., Aldrich, J. E., Scallion, P. L. and Gale, R. P. Collective bio-dosimetry as a dosimetric “gold-standard”: a study of three radiation accidents. Health Phys. 72(5):390-396 (1997).
Prince, M. E. P., Nasser, J. G. and Pass, B. Effect of upper-airway passages on craniofacial growth in an animal model: a pilot study. J. Otolaryngol. 26(5):306-315 (1997).
Pass, B., Baranov, A. E., Godfrey-Smith, D. I., Klestchenko, E. D., Aldrich, J. E., Scallion, P. L. and Gale, R. P. Collective bio-dosimetry as a dosimetric “goldstandard” using electron spin resonance and optically stimulated luminescence in dental enamel. In: “Studies in Stomatology”: 539-556 (1997).
Pass, B., Furkart, A.J., Dove, S.B., McDavid, W.D., Gregson, P.H. 6-bit and 8-bit digital radiography for detecting simulated periodontal lesions. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology 77 (4): 406-411 (1994).
Butturini, A., Giancarlo, I., Lloyd, D., Pass, B., Gale, R.P. Not all health problems seen close to Chernobyl can be attributed to radiation. Brit. Med. J. 309: 12991300 (1994).
Aldrich, J.E., Pass, B., Mailer, C. Changes in the paramagnetic centers of irradiated and heated dental enamel studied using electron paramagnetic resonance. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 61 (3): 433-437 (1992).
Pass, B., Aldrich, J.E., Scallion, P. An analysis of paramagnetic centers in irradiated dentin using electron spin resonance. Calcif. Tiss. Int. 46 (3): 166-68 (1990).
Aldrich, J.E., Pass, B. Comments on “ESR dosimetry for atomic bomb survivors and radiological technologists.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A273, 451-452 (1988).
Aldrich, J.E., and Pass, B. Determining radiation exposure from nuclear accidents and atomic tests using dental enamel. Health Phys. Vol. 54, No. 4 (April), 469471 (1988).
Aldrich, J.E., and Pass, B. Dental enamel as an in-vivo dosimeter: separation of the diagnostic x-ray dose from the dose due to natural radiation. J. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 17, 175-179 (1986).
Pass, B., Aldrich, J.E. In-vivo dosimetry. American Association of Medical Dosimetrists Journal XI (3): 7-9 (1986).
Pass, B., Aldrich, J.E. Dental enamel as an in-vivo radiation dosimeter. Med. Phys. 12: 305-307 (1985).