Office equipment and miscellaneous supplies used by our office, Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists, LLC, are listed in the reference materials below. These vendors have not been vetted by our practice, so purchase at your own risk. We have no financial or promotional interest in the suppliers listed.
CDs are screened with our logo and ordered in bulk “cakebox”
Vendor: North Coast Interactive, Inc.
Product: Bulk screen printed CDs, 3 color
Description: Pre-printed blank CDs for distribution of CBCT image volumes
CDs are placed in DVD/CD “EZ Sleeves” white color
Vendor: Inland
Product ID: 02860
Description: 100 CD-DVD Sleeves, 3-ring binder compatible
CDs are mailed in white “Stay Flat” envelopes
Vendor: ULINE
Product ID: S-1111
Description: 6″ x 8″ White Stay Flat envelope for mailing CDs
Report paper for “Patient Treatment Reports” and “EndoBrief” Newsletters
Vendor: Epson
Product: Presentation Paper Matte (Sheets)
Product ID: S041062
Description: 100 sheet packs, 8.5″ x 11″ 27lb. Presentation Paper Matte is a single-sided bright white, coated paper ideal for printing newsletter, flyers, reports or special presentations containing photos or graphics. Good for colors and dark text.
“Patient Treatment Reports” are mailed in standard catalog window envelopes:
Vendor: The Supplies Shop
Product ID: B005155VWQ
Description: Poly Window Open End Catalog, 9″ x 11-1/2″, 28#, White Sulphite (SFI) Center Seam (Box of 500)
“Patient Treatment Reports” and “EndoBrief Newsletters” are printed on an Epson R400
Product: Epson SureColor P400 Ink Jet Printer
Product ID: Epson SureColor P400
Description: Inkjet printer for producing professional quality prints with Epson UltraChrome® HG2 inks
Oral thermometer
Product: Welch Allyn
Product ID: 01692-200 Suretemp Plus 692
Description: Thermometer
Radiation protection in walls for use with drywall lamination “1/32 4′ x 7′ roll, weight 53 pound
Vendor: Mayco Industries
Product ID: 1/32″ thick lead sheets available in 48″ x 96″ rolls
Description: The standard sheeting is rolled from 99.5% pure lead or better. Rolls are available from 6 inches to 8 ft. widths and up to 25 ft. lengths. Most other sizes are available upon request

Vendor: Premier Mounts
Description: Adjustable height ceiling mounts for small to mid-size screens in operatory (must be professionally mounted and tested for safety)